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The Murderer East LimelinWhen you reach Eastern Limelin get off the dock follow the path to the city of Limelin. Along the way is a Spirit around the bend, right before the plain.LimelinIn the city are two types of people, rich snobs and important ones. The local gossip is about Fargo the Fire Mage and murderer. He is the final sign of the corruption in Celtland in which a fellow human, not a monster that is evil in nature, takes another life. Lighter news tells of the dangerous mines with a mysterious lady roaming them, and a Spirit Tamer was seen two fortnights (four weeks) ago. Take advantage of the cities wealth and raid the people's houses for provisions. At the tavern a guy will replenish your Heroes Drink, and the store will hand out Red Wings. As expected Shannon is at the inn, but this time gives a philosophy lesson. After talking with everyone circle the edges of town for Spirits. There is one by a barrel at the docks, one in front of condemned house, one behind the jail, one by the shackles inside the jail, and one in the grain field. After exploring the town head for the palace.Limelin CastleCarmagh is certainly a prosperous kingdom to build this joint. At the base of the central pillar is a Spirit. Inside the main hall there are two behind the relief. Talk to the guards to learn more about Fargo. In the armory there is some Honey Bread, a Healing Potion, and Mint Leaves. In the library search the books from the stepladder for another Spirit. In the throne room is Queen Deanna. Slightly depressed on losing Striker, who captured Fargo but was recently killed by him, she hints one asking for help. After that conversation search behind her throne for a treasure room with Celine's Bell, a Silver Amulet, and another Healing Potion.Abandoned MineExit the town and head south to the Baragoon Tunnel. Take the one wrong turn for a Spirit that you had to pass up. At the entrance to the mine (still outside) there is a Spirit to the right of the steps leading down. There are two more in the shack at the bottom and one under the scaffolding. When they are all gathered enter the mine.Baragoon TunnelThe tunnel consists of two areas. First is the mine tunnels, then a series of halls. They both follow a wavy pattern, so keep heading east if Brian gets lost. Right at the beginning of the tunnel there is a Heroes Drink and Healing Potion. Along the path will be two subterranean river crossings and an open area with a door. Gather the Spirit and Healing Potion then head done the really long shaft without monsters. Take the opportunity to heal up. At the end of the shaft are a series of steps leading to the halls.The halls are just like the tunnels except there are distinct turns. Right at the start head left for a Spirit, then goes east as before. Eventually Brian will come across a room with raised steps. Stay off it and head to the upper right and left corners for a Replica and Dew Drop. Next go to the middle section and grab the Spirit. Then go on the opposite raise platform for another. Finally head down the middle and heal up for battle. At the center of a maze of pits is Shilf the seductive crony of Mammon, whoever he is. (I wish I knew what keeps her sky dry after 1000 years.) Like other bosses she has two attacks. The close up is a laser beam to Brian; the range is a flock of dove shaped wind blades to Brian. Unlike other bosses damage by the melee attack does less than the range. On her defeat Brian will get an extra 10 HP. Brian's level should be around 100 to battle Shilf. Fire mages can beat up on her with a Power Staff and Vampire combo, or Fire Balls. Earth mages can obliterate her with Avalanche. (She is weak against it). Water mages will resort again to Water Pillar, Healing and Drain Magic. Wind specialist could use Large or Wind Cutter, but Staff Attacks will deal more damage. Generalists can use Avalanche if they know it or Staff Attacks supplemented with Power Staff. Exit to the anteroom for a Spirit, Silver Amulet, and Healing Potion. Now head up the chamber to the light at the end. Dindom DriesLike in real life the first thing to do in a desert is seek water. Strait ahead from the exit is a tent by an oasis where Brian can rest up. Conveniently there is a Spirit inside. Afterwards head south to another camp and learn more about the Dries. After resting up head to the southwestern corner of the upper section of the Dries to find another Spirit. Now Brian can either head to the southern part of the Dries for loads of Spirits and treasure or continue east to Greennoch.ShamwoodThe main section of the Dries, like most video game deserts, is an infinite loop. Head south or east too much and Brian pops back in the middle. Hug the northern cliff edge head east for three "curves". Next head south for three dunes. Right around that area (the very middle of the desert) is a Spirit in a ditch. Now if Brian looks to the southeast there will be a bobbing black crystal on the horizon. Make a beeline to it to find a Stone Circle. Step on it to teleport to the mythical Shamwood.Shamwood like Glencoe is optional but worth the effort. There are nine Spirits and one of each item in the game. Head up the trail and walk around the courtyard to the back of the palace. There should be a Spirit in the middle of the wall. Now head back to the main path and climb the stairs for loads of treasure. There is one of each item in the game in the center of the room with two Spirits right by them. After sacking the place take either exit to the second outer tier. Go the north side of the tier for another Spirit, and in the northeast corner of the highest tier for another. In the top room there are four more Spirits and a Golden Amulet. Talk to Lavaar to learn more about Celtland's history. He is the jerk who opened the Eletale Book the last time, and Epona was the mage to correct his mistakes. Now he waits for Mammon to be destroyed. GreennochWhether Shamwood is visited Brian should visit Greennoch. On the way there is a Spirit at the end if he takes the right fork in the road.On entering Greenoch the refugee from Larapool (remember him) concern's for the On entering Greennoch the refugee from Larapool (remember him) concern's for the town becomes pointless. There is no town to worry about! Search the remains a house for a Replica, and visit the store for a Healing potion. At the inn Shannon (surprise surprise) summarizes the recent demonstration from Beigus. The devastation was just a test. Rest up and head east towards the Boil Hole. Molten FieldsHmm, seems like Fargo has been here since all the fields are melted. If you head north there is a blocked cave. This will lead to the avalanche at Cull Hazard by the Normoon entrance. This is the quickest way to return to Dindom using Wings, once the Fire Ruby is gained to open the rock fall. However Brian needs to go south towards the Hole. There is a Spirit in the corner of one of the rocks in the middle of the road. Then there is another in the middle of where the road becomes unstable. To cross this area go ledge to ledge as if they where stairs. Finally by the entrance to the Boil Hole is another Spirit were the road split.Boil HoleThe final caves, the Boil Hole is a test of endurance rather than strength, but it is not as bad as the Blue Cave. By now your abilities should be through the roof so if a battle comes and the monsters are behind Brian, just run ahead they same path you were taking. After three subterranean lava pools there will be a section that is "roofed", i.e. not a closed tunnel or an open pocket. In that area is a Dragon's Potion by the edge of the lava flow. Continue to another "roofed" section and pick up a Healing Potion, Spirit, Giant's Shoes, and a Replica around the bends of the cave. Finally there will be a large "roofed" section with miniature volcanoes and Fargo in the middle.Like every thief before, Fargo wishes to take over the world using the jewels Brian has conveniently gathered. He has a Lava Ball attack at range and causes an exposition of lava with close encounters. When it is over he will attain the Fire Ruby. By now Brian should have around 110 (if he did not visit Shamwood). Fire mages should use Power Staff and Vampire touch, as Fargo is strong against fire magic. Earth specialists should use Avalanche and Magic Barrier. Water magicians should use Water Pillar, Healing, and Drain Magic. However since Fargo is weak against it have fun with other spells like Walking Water or Ice Knife. Wind Cutter and Wind Bomb should be used by Wind mages and specialists should use Avalanche or Water Pillar. With Fargo gone, explore the room for more booty. There is a Spirit on the lower ledge and a Dragon's Potion by the volcano near the exit. Head up the tunnel to enter the somber Moors of Baragoon. |